Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Oyster
Anyway, so I gotta get specific about my hour long idea and figure it out. Hopefully, I'll come up with something halfway comprehensible by Friday.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
24 Hour Plays
Spent last night at the 24 Hour Plays- what a blast! I hope to be able to do them one day. Great writing, great casts and a nice little shwag bag to go along with it all. I got a bit hammered to be frank. Got in a few words with David Cross and laughed it up with Craig Grant aka Mums. Good times.
Tomorrow I got a phone call with an LA production company regarding some TV development so hopefully that will go well and we can come up with something we both like.
Hello- This is Me.
Who am I? I’m a writer who is about to graduate from
In regards to television I don’t write specs any more- they seem silly to me. I’m going on the perhaps naïve assumption that producers, studios and networks are looking for good writers- period- not writers who can imitate a writing style. I think that can be taught and also depends entirely on who you are working for. My agent (who is great) seems to agree or at least has never asked me to write a spec. Great also applies to my writer/boss who is incredibly supportive of me and my work. I go to